Tuesday, June 12, 2012


He said he loves me as much as the world could ever know love; suddenly my eyes were filled with tears, and when he asked me why am I crying?
I answered with my trembling voice; I thought you love me as much as your heart could love, for I  don’t care about the world when I am with you.   

 Salma Taleb

وجهات نظر

قال لي أحبّك بكل ما بتسع الكون من حب, فاغرورقت عيناي بالدمع
و عندما سألني لما الدموع؟!
أخبرته بصوتي المتقطع, ظننتك تحبني بكل ما يتسع قلبك من حب, فالكون بوجودك لا يعنيني

سلمى طالب
Salma Taleb


تجلس بين الأنقاض, تعتلي عرش حطامك و تبكي
نعم خسرت, و نعم تكلّمت الماضي, و  ماذا الآن؟!
حطام و ألم, وأنت تتسائل ما العمل؟
و لاشئ مهم طالما أنت وحدك.

سلمى طالب

Sunday, May 6, 2012

what writing means to me

Writing is like breathing to me, I can’t live without it! I write in order to keep going in life, to reduce the burden of the time that haunts my heart.  I write to kill memories that inhibit my head day and night.
When we feel that people are unable to listen to what we have to say, when our anxieties become unbearable, I think it is better to write what we have in our minds and hearts; someone out there in the world would hold the book and reads us, reads our work and it might changes that person’s life. the hope to make a difference, to change people’s life, the hope that my words would touch someone’s heart or mind, that my story might reflects someone’s else story, that my words might comfort someone sad and tell him/her that he/she is not alone in the struggles of life, that is why I chose to write. 
Salma Taleb
سلمى طالب

Saturday, February 25, 2012


is how humans define imperfection

is the light that we see from far away which tell us that we are a live

is a black lens that takes all colors of life

is a test that once we pass it, it changes our views on life

 is a test for our patience and well

Is a disease if we surrender to it, would kill us

is a test for how much we know ourselves and others

The Smile
is the only thing that would still be pretty even if it is fake
Salma Taleb